
Stay up to date with all of the latest additions and improvements we've made to Tailwind UI.

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October 3, 2024

New pricing table example

We just added a huge new pricing section example, with fancy glass pricing cards, a logo cloud, and a full feature comparison table that automatically cleverly switches to tabs on mobile.

New pricing table example

As always, we've agonized over all the little details so you don't have to, like fine-tuning all of the breakpoints, getting the semantic markup just right, and making sure everything is accessible to screen readers.

September 24, 2024

Bento grids

We just added a brand new Bento Grids category to our collection of marketing components, with three beautifully designed examples to get you started.

New bento grid examples

These seem to be all the rage right now, and they work great as feature sections on a marketing site.

Give them a shot in your next project — we've designed them with customization in mind, making it really easy to swap out the graphics with your own screenshots without having to sweat all the details yourself.

September 12, 2024

Radiant: A beautiful multi-page marketing website for your SaaS business

We've just released Radiant, a beautiful multi-page SaaS marketing template built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, with a blog powered by Sanity.

The new Radiant SaaS marketing template

We had a lot of fun with the animations on this one, and designed a set of very general purpose interactive marketing components that are easy to adapt for completely different products.

It's also the first time we've tried out a headless CMS in a template, making it a great reference for wiring up a tool like Sanity in your own Tailwind CSS and Next.js projects.

July 4, 2024

Improved compatibility with React Server Components

The React examples in Tailwind UI are now easier to use with React Server Components (RSC).

React Server Components

Server components don't support passing functions as props, so anywhere we did that in Tailwind UI you'd need to make the parent a client component, even when that component had no actual interactivity.

Using the new data-* state attributes in Headless UI v2.0, we were able to remove all of the render props that we were using to conditionally apply different classes based on the state of the component.

We've also updated any components that do need to be client components to include 'use client' at the top of the example, so you can copy and paste them into your RSC project and they'll work right away.

June 21, 2024

Headless UI v2.1 for React

We've just updated all the React components in Tailwind UI as well as our Next.js templates to use the new data-attribute-based transition API that shipped in Headless UI v2.1.

Headless UI v2.1

See our announcement post to learn more about this new transition API.

May 24, 2024

Catalyst: Application layouts, navigation menus, description lists, and more

We just published the first major update to Catalyst since releasing the development preview, with two new application layouts, navbar and sidebar components, description lists, and more.

Catalyst sidebar layout

Here's a complete list of all the new components, available in both JavaScript and TypeScript:

We’re also pumped to share that with the release of Headless UI v2.0 for React, Catalyst is no longer in development preview — it’s officially stable and you can start using it in production today without worrying about breaking changes in the underlying dependencies.

Check out our brand new live demo site to see what a full Catalyst project looks and feels like after these updates for yourself.

May 23, 2024

Headless UI v2.0 for React

We've just updated all the React components in Tailwind UI as well as our Next.js templates to use Headless UI v2.0, the latest major version of this library that we released just a couple weeks ago.

Headless UI v2.0

Headless UI v2.0 is jammed-packed with new features, including built-in anchor positioning, a new checkbox component, combobox list virtualization, and much more. See our announcement post for all the details.

We recommend upgrading existing Headless UI v1.x projects to this latest version, and have put together a detailed upgrade guide explaining what's all changed.

December 20, 2023

Introducing Catalyst: A modern application UI kit for React

We just released the first development preview of Catalyst, our first fully-componentized, batteries-included application UI kit for React — real components with thoughtfully designed APIs that build on each other to create a real component architecture, the same way we’d do it in a real application.

There’s a lot more to come, but we’re releasing it today so you can play with it right away as we continue to build new components and find ways to make it an even better experience.

The new Catalyst UI kit

September 7, 2023

Next.js site templates now available in TypeScript

All of our Next.js site templates are now available in both JavaScript and TypeScript, so you can choose whichever language is the better fit for you and your team.

Tailwind UI templates now available in TypeScript

When you download a template, you'll find two folders in the zip file — /{template}-js and /{template}-ts, each containing the source code for the entire template in the corresponding language.

Each template has been authored with the latest version of TypeScript by nerds who get way too much satisfaction out of getting the types just right, so if TypeScript is your thing, you should find the experience very satisfying.

July 13, 2023

Meet Studio: A beautiful new multi-page agency template

We've just released Studio, a beautiful new multi-page agency template built with Tailwind CSS and Next.js. This is our largest template to date, and it takes advantage of the new app router in Next.js.

We really sweat the details with this template, like using Framer Motion to tastefully include subtle animations throughout the template, and MDX to make the case study and blog post authoring experience a great one.

The new Studio agency template

April 24, 2023

All-new application UI pages + huge component update

We just shipped a big application UI refresh that includes totally redesigned page examples, and dozens of updated and brand new components.

Collage of new application UI component designs

The new page examples include both light and dark designs, and also include the highly coveted home screen design everyone has been asking us for after seeing it used as screenshots in some of our new marketing components.

We also went through all of the existing component categories to find opportunities for improvements, including new badges, stacked lists, tables, form layouts, stats sections, and more.

April 12, 2023

Introducing Commit: A beautiful new changelog template

We've just released Commit, a beautiful new changelog template built with Tailwind CSS, Next.js, MDX, and a dash of Motion One.

Inspired by plaintext CHANGELOG files, we've built the whole thing in a way that you manage it all from one glorious markdown file — just slap a horizontal rule above your last post and start typing.

The new Commit changelog template

April 4, 2023

All-new marketing page examples + tons of component updates

If you've been watching closely, you might have noticed a lot of "new" badges all over the marketing category the last few weeks.

Collage of new marketing component designs

We decided it was time to give all of the marketing components a fresh coat of paint, starting with all-new designs for all of the page examples:

We've also updated every individual marketing component category with new designs, including beautiful new pricing sections, testimonials, logo clouds, team sections, stats, and tons more.

January 27, 2023

New heroes, feature sections, CTAs, and more

We've been busy the last few weeks working on a big batch of fresh marketing components for Tailwind UI, including tons of new hero sections, feature sections, CTAs, and more.

Collage of new marketing component designs

We also spent a bunch of time going through the examples that were already there and gave them a bit of polish — we were pleasantly surprised to discover that yes, we actually have gotten better at design since we released some of these components almost three years ago.

  • Updated all examples in the Hero Sections category, including 10 new designs
  • Updated all examples in the Feature Sections category, including 10 new designs
  • Updated all examples in the CTA Sections category, including 3 new designs
  • Updated all examples in the FAQ Sections category, including 3 new designs
  • Updated all examples in the Footers category

December 15, 2022

New Protocol template

Today we're happy to announce the launch of our new Protocol template, a meticulously crafted documentation template tuned for API references.

Powered by MDX, we've sweat all the nitty-gritty details to make sure the authoring experience is an awesome one, letting you focus on just writing great API docs, not the tooling around it.

The new Protocol API reference template

September 7, 2022

New Spotlight template

Today we're pumped to announce the launch of our new Spotlight template, a personal website so nice you'll actually be inspired to publish on it.

Built with Tailwind CSS and Next.js, it includes everything you need to get a personal website up-and-running, including a blog, projects page, dark mode, and more. And as always, it's been designed and built by the Tailwind CSS team.

The new Spotlight personal website template

August 12, 2022

New Pocket template

Today we're happy to announce the launch of our new Pocket template, the perfect website template for your exciting new mobile app.

Built with Tailwind CSS and Next.js, Pocket is loaded with tons of fun animations and interactions powered by the Framer Motion library. Be sure to check out the live preview for the full experience.

The new Pocket app marketing template

June 23, 2022

Tailwind UI templates

Today we’re thrilled to announce the launch of Tailwind UI templates!

Tailwind UI templates available now.

These are visually-stunning, easy to customize site templates built with React and Next.js. The perfect starting point for your next project and the ultimate resource for learning how experts build real websites with Tailwind CSS.

  • Salient template - A beautiful SaaS landing page to announce your next big idea.
  • Transmit template - A clean and professional podcast template fit for any show.
  • Syntax template - Educate your users in style with this documentation template.
  • Keynote template - Launch your next conference with a splash with this eye-catching template.
  • Primer template - A stunning landing page for your first course or ebook.

March 8, 2022

New additions

  • Added 16 new Table examples to the Application UI package

February 18, 2022

New additions

  • Added new Comboboxes category to the Application UI package with 5 examples
  • Added new Command Palettes category to the Application UI package with 9 examples

February 4, 2022

New additions

  • Added new Calendars category to the Application UI package with 8 examples

November 8, 2021

New additions

  • Added new Textareas category to the Application UI package with 5 examples
  • Added 9 new Radio Group examples to the Application UI package
  • Added 1 new Step example to the Application UI package
  • Added 1 new FAQ example to the Marketing package

August 11, 2021

Tailwind UI Ecommerce

Today we’re excited to announce the launch of Tailwind UI Ecommerce!

Almost 6 months in the making, we finally released the first all-new component kit for Tailwind UI since the initial launch back in February 2020.

Tailwind UI Ecommerce available now.

Tailwind UI Ecommerce adds over 100 new components across 14 new component categories and 7 new page example categories:

  • Added new Product Overviews category to the Ecommerce package with 5 examples
  • Added new Product Lists category to the Ecommerce package with 11 examples
  • Added new Category Previews category to the Ecommerce package with 6 examples
  • Added new Shopping Carts category to the Ecommerce package with 6 examples
  • Added new Category Filters category to the Ecommerce package with 5 examples
  • Added new Product Quickviews category to the Ecommerce package with 4 examples
  • Added new Product Features category to the Ecommerce package with 9 examples
  • Added new Store Navigation category to the Ecommerce package with 5 examples
  • Added new Promo Sections category to the Ecommerce package with 8 examples
  • Added new Checkout Forms category to the Ecommerce package with 5 examples
  • Added new Reviews category to the Ecommerce package with 4 examples
  • Added new Order Summaries category to the Ecommerce package with 4 examples
  • Added new Order History category to the Ecommerce package with 4 examples
  • Added new Incentives category to the Ecommerce package with 8 examples
  • Added new Storefront Pages category to the Ecommerce package with 4 examples
  • Added new Product Pages category to the Ecommerce package with 5 examples
  • Added new Category Pages category to the Ecommerce package with 5 examples
  • Added new Shopping Cart Pages category to the Ecommerce package with 3 examples
  • Added new Checkout Pages category to the Ecommerce package with 5 examples
  • Added new Order Detail Pages category to the Ecommerce package with 3 examples
  • Added new Order History Pages category to the Ecommerce package with 5 examples

July 14, 2021

New additions

  • Added new 404 Pages category to the Marketing package with 6 examples
  • Added new Empty States category to the Application UI package with 6 examples
  • Added 6 new Input Group examples to the Application UI package
  • Added new Checkboxes category to the Application UI package with 4 examples

May 7, 2021

New additions

  • Added 2 new Pricing Page examples to the Marketing package
  • Added 2 new Pricing Section examples to the Marketing package
  • Added 2 new FAQ examples to the Marketing package
  • Added 1 new Testimonial example to the Marketing package
  • Added 1 new Header example to the Marketing package

April 14, 2021

React and Vue support

Today we’re excited to add first class support for React and Vue 3 to all of the examples in Tailwind UI, which makes it even easier to adapt them for your projects.

Tailwind UI: Now for React and Vue.

It’s been a long journey but I am super proud of where we ended up on this one, and really think it’s going to make Tailwind UI a useful tool for a whole new group of Tailwind CSS users.

  • Functional and accessible — all of the React and Vue examples in Tailwind UI are powered Headless UI which handles all of the ARIA attribute management, keyboard interactions, focus handling, and more for you, while keeping all of that gnarly complexity safely tucked away in your node_modules folder where we can make improvements and fix bugs on your behalf, without you ever having to change your own code.
  • Fully customizable — with Headless UI, we’ve managed to abstract away all of the complicated JS functionality without taking away any control over the actual markup. That means that the entire design is still in entirely under your control, and you can fully customize any example by simply adding and removing utility classes like you’re used to.

All of this stuff is available as a totally free update for Tailwind UI customers. Just log in to your account, select between HTML, React, or Vue in the dropdown above any component, and grab the code in the format you want.

March 26, 2021

New additions

  • Added 2 new Detail Screen examples to the Application UI package
  • Added 1 new Settings Screen example to the Application UI package
  • Added 2 new Multi-Column Layout examples to the Application UI package
  • Added 2 new Page Heading examples to the Application UI package
  • Added 1 new Grid List example to the Application UI package
  • Added 1 new Select Menu example to the Application UI package
  • Added 1 new Tabs example to the Application UI package
  • Added 1 new Slide-over example to the Application UI package

March 10, 2021

New additions

February 3, 2021

New additions

  • Added 1 new Home Screen example to the Application UI package
  • Added 1 new Detail Screen example to the Application UI package
  • Added 2 new Multi-Column Layout examples to the Application UI package
  • Added 1 new Section Heading example to the Application UI package
  • Added 1 new Card Heading example to the Application UI package
  • Added 1 new Stacked List example to the Application UI package
  • Added 1 new Tabs example to the Application UI package
  • Added 1 new Navbar example to the Application UI package

January 21, 2021

New additions

January 11, 2021

New additions

  • Added new List Containers category to the Application UI package with 7 examples
  • Added new Dividers category to the Application UI package with 8 examples
  • Added 1 new Home Screen page example to the Application UI package
  • Added 2 new Stacked List examples to the Application UI package
  • Added 1 new Grid List example to the Application UI package
  • Added 1 new Page Heading example to the Application UI package
  • Added 1 new Stacked Layout application shell example to the Application UI package

December 18, 2020

New additions

November 1, 2020

New additions

October 2, 2020

New additions

August 19, 2020

New additions

  • Added new Team Sections category to the Marketing package with 8 examples
  • Added new Section Headings category to the Application UI package with 9 examples
  • Added new Steps category to the Application UI package with 7 examples
  • Added 5 new Slide-Over examples to the Application UI package

July 31, 2020

New additions

July 20, 2020

New additions

July 3, 2020

New additions

  • Added new Grid Lists category to the Application UI package, with 3 examples
  • Added three new Hero Section examples to the Marketing package

June 19, 2020

New additions

  • Added new Slide-Overs category to the Application UI package, with 6 examples

June 9, 2020

New additions

  • Added new Select Menus category to the Application UI package, with 6 examples

May 6, 2020

New additions

  • Added new Headers category to the Marketing package, with 4 examples
  • Added new Flyout Menus category to the Marketing package, with 6 examples

April 7, 2020

New additions

March 25, 2020

New additions

Accessibility improvements

We started working with an accessibility consultant this week who has been going through our early access components and making sure we're following all best practices.

March 6, 2020

New additions

  • Added new Action Panels category, with 8 components to start
  • Added new Layout Containers category, with 4 components to start
  • Added new Layout Panels category, with 10 components to start
  • Added two new Form Layout examples (two-column cards with separate submit actions and two-column in full-width cards)
  • Added a new "Three-tier with emphasized tier" pricing section example
  • Added Marketing Banners, with 4 components (we had these done on day one but they've been accidentally invisible the whole time due to a configuration typo! Derp.)
  • Fixed focus/active styles for buttons in Page Headings and Card Headings (these were slightly inconsistent with the button styles we use elsewhere in Tailwind UI)
  • Tweaked padding on footer of Modal with gray footer component (we had used py-4 initially but py-3 is more consistent)
  • We had dd and dt elements backwards on our description list components — we've fixed that now!